About Us

The Nottingham Backgammon Club was founded by Conrad Cooper, ably assisted by Malcolm Pether at The Lion Inn in New Basford, Nottingham around 1996. Located within shouting distance of the old Shipstones' brewery, The Lion Inn is a traditional style Real Cask Ale pub with wooden flooring, dog friendly and a lovely old school ambience. It's a lively local hub with outdoor seating providing continental alfresco style backgammon in the warm summer months. Back in those early dial-up internet days word of mouth gathered interest and the club decided on a move to the Coach and Horses. However, they soon returned to The Lion and it's been the home of Nottingham Backgammon Club ever since. Keith Gray took up the mantle of Club President around 2014 and developed a competitive rating system where players moved up or down the "ladder" dependent of their results. Sadly, Keith passed away quite suddenly in September 2022 but not before he encouraged Jeff Bale to take over the administration of the embryonic League system. The club has seen a boom in membership, post Covid, and at the time of writing the club has around 32 regular members. Our Facebook account is where you can keep up to date on what's happening at our club and in the backgammon world. We're also affiliated to the UK Backgammon Federation (UKBGF) and have recently received a grant to develop our club.
Frequently Asked Questions
When is Club Night?
Every Monday evening 7:30pm. Come down and try your luck (or skill) You don't necessarily need a board or equipment as there's usually plenty available, but if you have a set bring it down.
Do I need a board?
You don't necessarily need a board or equipment as there's usually plenty available, but if you have a set bring it down.
Is there a league?
There's usually folk available for social games but there's also a thriving League system with seven divisions, including promotion and relegation, where you can pit your wits against Nottingham's finest. The League runs quarterly and starts 1st January, 1st April, 1st July and 1st October. We also have an Open Knockout Cup competition every year. We would encourage members to join the UK Backgammon Federation (UKBGF), although it's not compulsory, which gives useful resources and a jam packed calendar of events and tournaments all over the UK and abroad too.
Contact Us
Nottingham Backgammon Club